Sunday, November 25, 2012

A New iPhone Case that Protects More than its Glass Screen

The need for iOS device security is no new concern, but creating a security enhancement for Apple devices is definitely amongst new breakthroughs.

Precise Biometrics, a technology company creating smart cards and fingerprint recognition to better security, has created a new innovation; Tactivo. Physically, with a size of 5.17” x 2.47” x 0.6”, Tactivo is a sleek iPhone case maintaining access to iPhone buttons and connectors with the ability to synchronize and charge without the case’s removal.

Aside from its Otterbox-like characteristics, Tactivo features a combination of built-in smart card and fingerprint readers, in addition to a clear smart card cover to display government or other photo-embossed access credentials, for iOS devices like the iPhone 4, the iPhone 4S and, as of this upcoming summer, the iPad.

Although Tactivo will easily be appealing to the general public, its price tag of $249 per case shows its target consumers to be agencies and companies whom have data far more expensive worth securing. In fact, this idea is projected to be a breakthrough for government uses. Tactivo supports major U.S. government credentials, including the support for PIV, PIV-I, CAC and TWIC cards.

“The initial market for this device is aimed toward government to allow them to meet the 
demand of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, a directive stating that all federal 
government workers and contractors must utilize a personal identity verification card for 
logical and physical access, along with DOD which uses a common access card for access,” 
stated Harris. “On mobile platforms there previously was no way for the U.S. government to 
utilize the hardware token on an iOS product.” Michael Harris, CTO for Precise Biometrics.

With this new smart case, iPhone apps can make use of novel authentication options, like password replacement (today’s passwords, that is). Furthermore, with this new smart case, more passwords and sensitive information can be securely stored into one’s iPhone.

“What drove the development of this product was the need for strong end-point authentication 
in a mobile context…The product expands data and the network beyond the premise of an 
enterprise or an office, but what is technologically specific to the product is the miniaturization 
of both smart card and biometric sensor technology. This product pushes the envelope from 
flatbed biometric sensors to low-power and low-weight swipe sensors that can be 
used in a mobile environment.” Michael Harris

Precise Biometrics plans to release new versions to support new iPhone versions and the iPad. Further, the firm expects to extend Tactivo to more smartphone brands.


  1. There's a big problem with this device: it doesn't secure the iPhone itself, thereby making the product huge inconvenience.

    Specifically, the case can provide security for specific apps (that are designed to work with it), e.g. a custom-tailored note-app or something that provides access to a government database.

    It does not, however, secure the iPhone's other data, such as the Email-accounts, calendars, notes, etc. you set up. That means this data is either insecure or you have to use a third-party-app, which is inconvenient.

    Currently, per Apple's limitations, there's no way for developers to restrict/grant access to the iPhone's data as a whole (like you can with a passcode) using external hardware. Apple is innovating on this space on their own -- they recently filed multiple patents on face recognition technology (camera behind the display) and touch screens that detect your fingerprint or your usual thumb movement habits. It's quite interesting stuff and might provide future topics for your blog.


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